Below are some pics of passers and their comments who learnt to drive with L-Team Driving School.

Passed 1st Time!
Congratulations to Maryam passing her driving test with L-Team driving school for the first time! !

Passed 1st time!
Congratulations to Natasha passing her driving test with L-Team driving school for the first time!!

Passed 1st Time!
Congratulations to Natasha passing her driving test with L-Team driving school for the first time!!

Passed 1st Time!
Congratulations to Molly passing his driving test with L-Team driving school for the first time!!

Passed 1st time!
Congratulations to Natasha passing her driving test with L-Team driving school for the first time!!

Passed 1st Time!
Congratulations to Simon passing his driving test with L-Team driving school for the first time!!

Passed 1st Time!
Congratulations to Hashim passing his driving test with L-Team driving school for the first time!!

Passed 1st Time!
Congratulations to leah passing her driving test with L-Team driving school for the first time!!

Passed 1st time!
Congratulations to Natasha passing her driving test with L-Team driving school for the first time!!

Passed 1st time!
Congratulations to Natasha passing her driving test with L-Team driving school for the first time!!

Passed 1st Time!
Congratulations to Saad passing his driving test with L-Team driving school for the first time!!

Passed 1st Time!
Congratulations to Sharolyn passing her driving test with L-Team driving school for the first time!!